Hypnosis for Weight Management

Hypnosis helps you to be slim, trim and brimful of energy

weight loss

How does it work?

By using Hypnotherapy and Holistic Healing Therapy…. You will learn to stick to a healthy eating plan, eliminate unhealthy eating habits, tackle food addictions, create motivation for exercise, and tackle the emotional reasons for over-eating.

This therapy is by far the most enjoyable and sensible way to lose weight. The only side effects are… you will feel more confident in yourself and… you will gain more enjoyment in your life.

Learn to stand tall and slim, healthy and happy, and proud of your achievements.

What is involved?

Initial Session 90 mins €200 and subsequent sessions 50 mins €100

Weight Management begins with an Initial Hypnosis session of 90mins costing €200.

Great advances are made during this Initial Session and you will immediately notice positive changes in your life. Your desire for sweet and fatty foods diminishes and you are more confident in your approach to a healthier and more balanced eating plan.

Follow up sessions are 50min long and are designed to deepen those positive changes to ensure that you are confidently back in charge of choosing and living with a healthier diet.  

The number of sessions varies as it depends on how the issue presents and how committed you are to your healthier eating plan. I would recommend 3 sessions to ensure you are confident in dealing with cravings, lifestyle changes and social gatherings etc. This is something we monitor together, and it is geared to you getting your desired outcome where You are… looking, feeling and being healthy and trim.


What is involved…

  • Begin with an initial 90 min hypnotherapy session costing €200 and as required 2 follow up 50min sessions at €100 each.

  • Follow up calls are designed to check in with you and see how your life is improving. Times of these calls will be agreed at the end of each session.

  • A recording of your 3rd session for your own private use.

  • Pay as you go

    • Initial Session - 90 mins - €200

    • Each following session - 3 x 50mins - €100 each

    • Follow up calls

    • Recording (3rd Session)

  • "Helen has helped me in more ways than just quitting smoking, she has changed the way I look at myself, welcoming my future and helped me relax during such a stressful time."


  • "If you’re looking for tailored meditation or a mind coach then Helen is the person to go to."