Hypnosis helps you with…

Hypnosis for Anxiety

Hypnosis for Anxiety Release

Hypnosis for Anxiety starts with an Initial Hypnotherapy session of 90 mins. You will experience deep relaxation and calmness. You learn to Anchor this lovely new calmness for use in your daily life. So let go of those anxious thoughts and feelings. Retrain your mind and body to feel calm, relaxed and comfortable again.

Hypnosis for Confidence

Hypnosis for Confidence

This package includes 2 Mind Coaching/Healing sessions, 3 Clarity calls, and a Recorded Maintenance Session. Self-confidence, Self-belief, and Self-esteem are the foundations of your success. It doesn’t matter if others think you are great… It matters that you know that you are the best that you can be… Take control of your limiting beliefs and install empowering thoughts. Thoughts that are full of self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-belief.

Hypnosis for fears and phobias

Hypnosis for Fears and Phobias

This package includes 2 Hypnotherapy sessions, 3 Clarity calls and a Recorded Maintenance Session.

Phobias about needles, dentists, gagging etc and Fears of flying, public speaking, stage fright etc are treated using relaxation coupled with systematic desensitization. 

Hypnosis to break old habits

This package includes 2 Hypnotherapy sessions, 3 Clarity calls and a Recorded Maintenance Session.

Habits such as nail biting, trichotillomania, bruxism, sweet tooth etc. are relieved and altered through using hypnotherapy and relaxation techniques.

Hypnosis for sleep

Hypnosis for better sleep

This package includes 2 Hypnotherapy sessions, 3 Clarity calls and a Recorded Session.

Relaxation techniques and guided meditation help release tension and stress, allowing the body and mind to switch off from life challenges and drift off to renew and recharge in sleep.

Hypnosis for Heath and wellbeing

Hypnosis for Health and Wellbeing

This package includes 3 Hypnotherapy sessions, 4 Clarity calls and a Recorded Maintenance Session.

If you have a health challenge eg. IBS, Crohn’s Disease, Migraine, Tinnitus, Pain Management, Allergy symptoms etc. Hypnotherapy can help you deal with the symptoms and make life easier and more comfortable for you. It adds the holistic self-care dimension to your existing medical treatment.

Hypnosis to stop smoking

Hypnosis to Stop Smoking

This package includes 4 Hypnotherapy sessions, 4 Clarity calls and a Recorded Maintenance Session.

When you decide to finish with cigarettes, tobacco, or nicotine and take back control of your cravings then Go you.. Here’s to you feeling healthier and wealthier.

Consider the cost to you of 20 cigarettes…per day €15, per week €105, per month €450 and per year €5,675.

And the health bonus is priceless…

Hypnosis for weight management

Hypnosis for Weight Management

This package includes 4 Hypnotherapy sessions, 4 Clarity calls and a Recorded Maintenance Session.

Once you are committed to managing your weight then Hypnotherapy is the key to help you unlock your new healthy body in a relaxed and easy way. Focus on your health and wellbeing. Learn how to boost your willpower and Surf the Urge on cravings.

Hypnosis to Stop Smoking

Learn more about Quitting for good.

Hypnosis for Anxiety

Learn more about Releasing your Anxiety.

Hypnosis for Confidence

Learn more about building your confidence.

Hypnosis for Fears and Phobias

Learn more about conquering your phobias.

Hypnosis to break old habits

Learn more about kicking the habit once and for all.

Hypnosis for sleep

Learn how you will overcome insomnia.