Hypnosis for Fears and Phobias

Do you have a fear of dogs, flying, spiders, lifts, public speaking, etc.? Do you have a phobia about needles, vomiting, agoraphobia, claustrophobia etc.?

Fears and phobias respond really well to hypnosis.

How does it work?

Your fears and phobias can be a thing of the past thanks to Hypnosis.

You get to transform the fear or phobia and programme your mind with the desired results you want to achieve.

Your fear or phobia may be the result of a traumatic or difficult experience which happened earlier in your life. But then again, I have used hypnosis with others who had no idea of the root cause of their fear or phobia. The good news is… Hypnosis works whether you remember the root cause of the fear or phobia or not.

The good news is…Your mind will happily accept a newer and more confident programme when it is installed using hypnosis.

During the process of Hypnotherapy, you get to relax deeply while still remaining fully aware and in control. In that calm, comfortable state your conscious mind does not think or analyse. It can therefore accept the new beneficial reprogramming that takes place during the hypnotherapy.

Old thoughts and emotions attached to the fear or phobia are released through hypnosis and the new programme for a calm, relaxed, comfortable you is implanted in it’s place.

What is involved?

Initial Session 90 mins €150

The Initial Session begins with gathering as much detailed information as possible about your fear/phobia and how it affects your life. What are the feelings, thoughts and behaviours that are associated with your fear/phobia? The more detailed the information you can give me the better!! I can then ‘reframe’ this information so that your mind is excited to take on a new and more beneficial programme. After your Initial Session with me you will immediately notice positive changes in your outlook and in your approach to life.

Follow up sessions if required are 50min long and cost €100.

They are designed to deepen the positive changes which were made in the Initial Session. They ensure those new updated programmes are even more deeply embedded into the subconscious mind and you are back in charge of your life.  

The number of sessions varies as it depends on the issue presenting. I advise 3 sessions as a general guide. This is something we monitor together, and it is geared to helping you release the difficult thoughts and emotions associated with fears and phobias so that you can live life in your new calmer and more relaxed life.

If you think you will need the 3 sessions you can prebook them with me and you will receive a free booster Recorded Session on the third session.

What is involved…

  • Begin with an initial 90 min hypnotherapy session and as required 2 follow up 50min sessions at €100 each.

  • Follow up calls, called ‘Clarity Calls’ are designed to check in with you and see how your life is improving. Times of these calls will be agreed at the end of each session.

  • A recording of your 3rd session for your own private use.

  • Pay as you go

    • Initial Session - 90 mins - €150

    • Each following session - 2x 50mins - €100 each

    • 3 Clarity calls

    • 1 recording (3rd Session)

  • "I cannot recommend Helen highly enough. I went to her feeling stressed and anxious and after a session I left with a profound feeling of peace and wellbeing."

    - John

  • "I can not recommend Helen and her service enough."

    - Charley

  • "I can only highly recommend Helen for anyone looking for anxiety relief and management."

    - Nadija